A perspective on the Obstacles to Successful Dermatological Treatment in Yemen منظور حول العقبات التي تحول دون النجاح في علاج أمراض الجلد في اليمن
A perspective on the Obstacles to Successful Dermatological
Treatment in Yemen
Journal of Dermatology & Cosmetology
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Kamel
منظور حول العقبات التي تحول دون
النجاح في علاج أمراض الجلد في اليمن
مجلة الأمراض الجلدية والتجميل
د/ محمد أحمد الكامل
Human is a “child of the earth” and every individual’s skin
is a mirror that reflects his or her overall health condition, as well the
surrounding environment. The above-mentioned obstacles to successful medical
treatment of dermatological conditions in Yemen may accentuate the burden of
skin diseases and often result in treatment failure, hidden diseases and high
recurrence rate that may depress, debilitate, deform or even kill.
Understanding these barriers is very important before organizing any skin
diseasecontrol program in underserved regions.